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Online Sharing

I've been thinking how we can share our material with our group and others. I've realized I wasn’t comfortable sharing all of my content online that long ago. This is also the case for others sharing their material online. Sharing online is completely optional. I believe the internet has helped others included myself in learning.

Many of the technical problems I am trying to solve I look to the internet to find solutions. For example, I will use Google for code solutions on StackOverflow, YouTube, and GitHub. All of this wouldn't be possible without people sharing their ideas online.

I have learned it can be difficult to be comfortable contributing content online for a number of reasons. For example, I usually have to validate my ideas with family and friends before it makes sense to others. It can be difficult to get feedback from people online because of the supportiveness of people I don’t know. Also, it can be hard for me to publish incomplete content without it being edited or revised for quality.

In order for me to feel more comfortable to share online, I follow a process. Here is an slide of the process I follow to practice before I share my content online. My inspiration to share online is to teach and help them solve problems.

The first step I will do is create my material by brainstorming with a mind map. Second, I'll create my material by writing and editing on my own. Then, I share these ideas with my family and friends for feedback and additional ideas. The third step is to bring it to our supportive community in our classroom. It can even take up to a month going through these steps.

The next two steps start bringing your ideas to life. Once you have established a community of supportive friends you can begin to outreach to them online. This can be through email or private GitHub posting. You can get some really great immediate feedback from friends that were unable to attend in the classroom.

Once you have practiced with your family, friends, and community, you can begin sharing online. Think of it like publishing a paper. When you publish it online it becomes learned knowledge for others to use. It feels great to get the acknowledgment and help from new people we haven't meet. I believe it's why we share our knowledge.

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