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Free Knowledge Mission

Imagine an extremely complicated problem in the world in which you wished you could solve. How about a health problem, a business problem, or even a social issue that needs serious improvement. Now imagine a tool with intelligence the world could use to solve these problems.

We all want to how to create value in the world and align it with our passion and purpose. Knowledge is a way of finding both of these. My passion is learning and my purpose is communicating it as intelligence to the world.

I’m going to share three problems and solutions beginning with a small, medium, and large problem. I’ll give you a brief example of how to solve each of these with proper knowledge. By the end you should have a good understanding why free knowledge is important and be inspired to share with your family, friends, community, and the world.

Let’s start by considering how you would solve a simple problem. With a small problem, you’ll know the solution right away. Let’s say your child started getting a reaction after eating peanut butter. Shared knowledge would give you insight your child is potentially allergic to peanuts. You can solve the problem by sharing this knowledge to your family and friends not to feed your child peanuts.

Let’s move on to a more complicated problem in business. Let’s say you’re the CFO of a company and your closing the company books for the quarter. The company earnings are expected to have a steady increase. During the closing process, there is a large miss in numbers. As CFO, you would have the knowledge of the entire closing process to start your analysis. You can use this knowledge to run reports on data, analyze this as information, and quickly determine the gaps. You solved the problem by sharing your knowledge of the gap to the accounting team to resolve the root cause in the closing process.

An even larger problem in our world is our education and economy. Education expenses continue to rise and we continue to see gaps in our our ever changing workforce. In order to explain this better, I’ll give an example in three age demographics: young, middle-aged, and those nearing retirement.

For each example, imagine free knowledge assessment software with intelligence that could tell not only your strengths and weaknesses, but also help you discover your purpose. I’m going to incorporate this idea into each of these age categories.

If you’re a young adult starting college, society may tell you there is great opportunity in the growing digital economy. However, the the industry is so large you have no idea where to begin and what area to study. You would want to know what you would love and how to get an early start to your career. This assessment could tell your potential and provide free training, reducing the stress of rising educational expenses.

How about if you are in the middle of your career and your skills start to become outdated. An intelligent software assessment could quickly understand your skills and the growing demand in the industry and predict what skills you should learn. Let say you have knowledge in statistics, communication, and business. After taking the assessment, you realize you are missing skills in programming. The software can even go further by analyzing previous skills in your engineering background and accelerate your learning rate. Instead of restarting your education and relearning the basics of statistics, communication, and business, it could train your gaps of learning a new programming language in months, rather than years.

Lastly, let’s say you are nearing retirement and your in the industrial economy. You may have lost your job in the economy because of labor shifts or technology. Even if you were passionate at your career, there may be less opportunity available in the market. You enjoyed your work, but you don’t know how your hands-on skills will translates to the growing digital economy. What if this assessment could help you understand your current skills can be applied to a new job? In addition, you were able to take a free assessment of your skills and map it to available demand before searching for a new job reducing the stress of uncertainty during unemployment. When you apply for a new job, you take another assessment with the employer, and instead of the employer turning you away for another candidate, it would immediately train your missing knowledge gaps.

We will continue to have an enormous amount of knowledge to share. Devices and AI will double the amount of knowledge every day. Technology is growing exponentially requiring us to share in every possible way. Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence are consuming the data and processing it as knowledge to solve new problems. Autonomous cars are projected to reduce car accidents by ninety percent. Knowledge and Response can answer a question in seconds, rather than performing extensive time researching a problem someone has already solved in another part of the world.

If we continue to share know for free, we’ll have unlimited data to analyze, solving more problems. If we data is kept secret, it will only benefit the ones holding the information. Intellectual property may be good for a single business, but not for solving large problems such as socioeconomic issues.

If your passion is sharing knowledge, join our mission at Share with the world how you learn, acquire knowledge, and solve a problem.

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