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Value of Free Knowledge

Industry claims knowledge is doubling every year. IBM claims with the advent of IoT, soon it will double every day. People and devices accessing the internet is increasing the amount of knowledge. In the future as data grows, artificial intelligence will process it into knowledge at an accelerated rate. The best way for us to have access to this growing amount of knowledge is by sharing it for free.

I’m writing about three types of intelligence: humans, computing, and artificial intelligence. For all of these forms of intelligence to gain knowledge all of them follow a basic value cycle. I’ll apply this formula to humans, computing, and artificial intelligence. This will give you an idea to the value of free knowledge. In order to create value, first you must learn, then analyze, communicate, and implement.

Let’s apply this to people as a formula as a data scientist. In the value pattern, first is knowledge discovery, second pattern recognition & statistics, third communication, and lastly, problem solving.

We can apply this formula to computing. Databases, data modeling, computer programming, and the outcome will be usable data. The value is the next generation of using this data to create usable knowledge.

Data science is the field is where artificial intelligence data is driven. The first step is data mining, then analyzing it such as Big Data, communicating with data visualization tools, and lastly creating knowledge in the form of artificial intelligence such as Knowledge and Response.

Since knowledge is increasing exponentially it’s valuable to the world to share it as free knowledge. If it’s available to everyone it can continue to grow to benefit the world. Imagine the possibilities as we further advance into AI development. AI can extend into biology creating more advanced neural networks solving more health problems.

I created a diagram that illustrate how the aggregation of knowledge can grow over time.

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